AeroInsert A (AIA20x) is made to fit a standard slim-size arrow that has an ID from 0.202" to 0.207" (aka A nock size).
Firenock has been making the AIA20S for close to 10 years. We start with the piece to fit our 204 class shaft only. Therefore, we make the OD (outside diameter) of the AIA20S stem 0.201". But so many customers would also love and want to use this on other shafts. This causes us to make a few changes so that can fit any of the 204 class shafts. The fact remains that the 0.204" class shaft has no standard. Firenock AeroWeave 204, Gold Tip Kinetics, Victory RIP is 0.204", which we consider standard. Black Eagle Rampage is 0.203". Carbon Express shafts are 0.20175". On the other end of the size, the Element Typhoon, Fire & Ice can be as big as 0.207" based on our measurement.
We used to make the AIA20S with an OD of 0.2035", which fits the 0.204" perfectly. But it has caused the splitting of the Carbon Express shaft. For the last run, we made our AIA20S with an OD of 0.201". This has caused some issues, as now, if you install the shaft into a shaft with 0.204", there is as much as 0.003" play. This feature should automatically center the shaft and the insert if used correctly, but sometimes it happens even with our patented reverse taper angle shoulder. We understand that some customers are unfamiliar with the hydro flow approach when installing/gluing the insert onto the shaft. Hydroflow is defined as spinning the insert on a tool like APS and checking if the insert is indeed concentric while the glue is semi-set. If not, one must hold the insert and spin the shaft on an APS so the glue flows evenly around the shaft to make it concentric. Suppose the insert was casually glued onto the shaft without being prepared with our chamfering tool and allowed to lay on the table. This 0.003" play will cause the insert to be croaked, and when it dries, it will wobble.
To solve this issue easily, we have decided to make two different sizes of this application. The AIA20S standard will have an OD of 0.201", which will fit shafts of 0.202" and larger, while AIA20S will have an OD of 0.204", which will fit shafts with an ID of 0.204" or larger better. This should make everyone happy. We try to make everyone happy, but we have to make more sizes to fit everyone perfectly without a standard.
Features of AeroInsert A for 0.201" - 0.207" ID
- Self Concentric Technology
- Reverse Tapered Shoulder Technology to prevent mushrooming effect
- CNC machined for extra hardness and accuracy
- Large Adhesive Surface
- Designed in US Illinois and US Patented (# 8403777)
- 12 pcs AeroInsert A for 204 class arrow
- AIA20A - 22gn in 7075-T5 AL
- AIA20S - 55gn in 303 Stainless, to fits from 0.201" - 0.2035"
- AIA20S4 - 55gn in 303 Stainless, to fit from 0.204" - 0.207"
- AIA20T4 - 33gn in GR5 Titanium
- Clean arrow shaft with acetone before installation.
- To perfectly install AeroInsert A is simple, one just needs to square the front end of the arrow / chamfering it using Firenock Chamfering Tool to ensure the AeroInsert Reverse Tapered Shoulder covering the outside diameter of the arrow front end and then glue AeroInsert A into the arrow with a 2 part slow set epoxy.
- Slow set epoxy is an epoxy that needs 24 hrs cure, one hr work time (e.g., Firenock Aerovane Epoxy AGUSSE, Loctite 1405603, Devcon 2-ton Slow curing Epoxy, Henkel 1147735, PC products PC-7 two-part Heavy Duty Epoxy, Permatex 84107).