Besides the four interdependent components of the Firenock lighted nock system (the nock, the circuit, the battery, and the Extreme Shock End Cap (ESEC)), there are several additional accessories available to enrich your FLNS experience.

Practice Matched Weight System
For those who would like to conserve their lighted nock systems for hunting or competitions only, we at Firenock created the Practice Matched Weight System. Included within each pack are three green (for ease of identification) nocks ("F" and "M" styles will also come with extra nock O-rings), three weights with the same or "matched" distribution as a Firenock circuit and battery, and three ESECs plus their O-rings. No re-tuning necessary. Simply swap your circuits and nock unit for the matched weight and new nock one or prepare fresh shafts with the extra ESEC and O-rings. Practice with Matched Weight System equipped arrows with confidence.

Hydro™ Bow-fishing Adaptors
For those who bowfish and want to utilize the FNLS, Hydro is available for standard fiberglass (BF) and carbon (BI) bowfishing arrows. Our custom adaptors are machined for extreme durability and waterproofing, functioning as deep as 60m into saltwater and remaining lit continuously for up to 21 days.
Firenock circuits are meant to last you thirty thousands shots. The rest of the components however, need to be replaced every year or so. Find extra nocks in all styles and colors after scoring or breaking, extra batteries in all chemistries after drainage, and more here.