AeroInsert A (AIA3MB) is specially made to fit standard size arrow that has an ID from 0.300" (aka C, D2, D3, F, J, M, Q, U, V nock size).
Features of AeroInsert A for 0.300" ID
- Self Concentric Technology
- Reverse Tapered Shoulder Technology to prevent mushrooming effect
- CNC machined for extra hardness and accuracy
- Large Adhesive Surface
- Designed in US Illinois and US Patented (# 8403777)
- 12 pcs AeroInsert A for 300 class arrow
- AIA3MB - 125gn in Machine Brass
- Clean arrow shaft with acetone before installation.
- To perfectly install AeroInsert A is simple, one just needs to square the front end of the arrow / chamfering it using Firenock Chamfering Tool to ensure the AeroInsert Reverse Tapered Shoulder covering the outside diameter of the arrow front end and then glue AeroInsert A into the arrow with a 2 part slow set epoxy.
- Slow set epoxy is an epoxy that needs 24 hrs cure, one hr work time (e.g., Firenock Aerovane Epoxy AGUSSE, Loctite 1405603, Devcon 2-ton Slow curing Epoxy, Henkel 1147735, PC products PC-7 two-part Heavy Duty Epoxy, Permatex 84107).
125 grain brass inserts for Zombi slayer arrow size
These are very nice tolearnce and fit. A bit longer then normal to keep the insert in the shaft for added adhesive surface. Perfect upgrade over 110 grain insert. The small amount nore F.O.C. will give superb arrow flight off the faster crossbows. Pricey but worth the money.