
Firenock is the most advanced lighted nock on the market.
Firenock works both with Missile-Arming Technology, which means that it lights up once fired, and with a miniaturized directional G-switch, which means that it does not require any sort of actuator to turn on/off (US Patent # 7837580). Firenock is super durable, remaining lit after hitting hard objects (e.g. bone, stone, or concrete), after game moves vigorously, or even if it is submerged into salt water for weeks when equipped with a Hydro Bow-Fishing Adaptor.
Firenock is also available in three (3) light functions to match your needs. Hunting (H), the most common light function, can stay lit for up to 21 days; this capacity is perfect for white tail, bear, and any other big game. Target (T) automatically turns off after 17 seconds; this capacity is perfect for practice, competition, and bow-tuning. Intermittent or blinking (I) stays solidly lit for six seconds after activation and then blinks for up to 21 days; this capacity is perfect for ground blind shooting e.g. turkey and other small game. To handle different climates and environments, Firenock offers two plus two battery chemistries (BR / BL / BU* / BW*). *Discontinued or special order
Recent Updates
As of 2024, there are 20+ styles of Firenock nocks available to fit and replace most arrows on the market. In 2018, with the addition of the “U” style nock (US Patent # USD717389), we proudly announced that we have a lighted nock system for every known crossbow bolt serving size. In 2020, we further perfected our lineup with the D3 nock. This year, tstyle nocks are added to the lineup.

Firenock Lighted Nock System Packs
44 - Firenock Complete Systems (3/6): A3h-B,A3h-G,A3h-R,A6ht-R, C3h-G, C3h-R, D3h-i, D3h-R, D6ht-R, D2 D23i-R, D26ht-R, D33h-R, E3h-G, E3h-R, E6ht-R, F3h-G, F3h-R, G3h-G, G3h-R, G6ht-R, G6ht-G, J3i-R, J3h-R, J3h-G, J6ht-R, M3h-R, M3h-G, S3h-B, S3h-G, S3h-R, S6ht-R, Q3i-R, Q3h-R, Q3h-G, Q6ht-R, U3h-G, U3h-R, U3i-R, U6ht-R, V3h-G,V3h-R,Y3h-G, & Y3h-R
57 - Polycarbonate Nock Packs (7/14/100): AB, AC, AG, AR, AY, AS, AW, CC, CG, CR, DC, DG, DR, D2C, D2G, D2R, D3C, D3G, D3R, EC, EG, ER, FC, FG, FR, GC, GG, GR, GS, GW, JC, JG, JR, MC, MG, MR, QC, QG, QR, SB, SC, SG, SO, SP, SR, SS, SY, SW, UC, UG, UO, UR,VC,VG, VR,YC,YG, & YR
12 - Metal “+” Nock Packs (3): C+O, C+G, D+O, D+G, J+R, J+G, Q+R, Q+G, U+O, U+G, U+5O, U+5G
42 - Circuits Packs (3): HB, HC, HG, HO, HR, HY, IB, IC, IG, IO, IR, IY, KB, KC, KG, KO, KR, KY, NB, NC, NG, NO, NR, NY, TB, TC, TG, TO, TR, TY, ZB, ZC, ZG, ZO, ZR, ZY, 0B, 0C, 0G, 0O, 0R, & 0Y
2 - Battery Packs (3): BR & BL
7 - Replacement O-ring Packs (7): OAx, OB, OC, OFx, OGx, OSx, OYx
6 - Extreme Shock End Cap Packs (3/12/50/100): XA, XE, XF, XG, XS, & XY
15 - Extreme Shock Practice Matched-Weight Packs (3): PAx, PCx, PDx, PD2x, PD3x, PEx, PFx, PGx, PJx, PMx, PQx, PSx, PUx, PVx, & PYx