Firenock F style hunting lighted nock system for crossbow arrow with Internal Diameter of 0.298" to 0.303" with the utilization of the included 24 O-rings.
(F3h-R => F=F style nock, 3=3 pack, h=hunting, R=Red LED)
- 3 “H” series hunting circuits in red/green
- 6 “F” style nocks in red/green
- 24 O-rings (2x12)
- 3 Extreme Shock End Caps with O-rings
- 1 end cap Installation tools
- No battery is included in the pack, and you must purchase it as an option (Batteries in the picture is for demonstration purpose only)
Lighted Nocks
Best lighted nocks available.
F style nock
Been using these for about 7 years now. Best lighted nock I have ever used. Still using the ones from 7 years ago. Just add fresh batteries and go!