Firenock Q style hunting and target lighted nock Q6ht-R for 0.300" class arrow that clip onto a 0.145+/-0.05" serving.
(Q6ht-R => Q=Q style nock, 6=6 pack, h=hunting, t=target R=Red LED)
- 3 "H" series hunting circuits in red
- 3 "T" series target circuits in red
- 9 "Q" style nocks in red color
- 9 "Q" style nocks in clear color
- 6 Extreme shock endcaps for “Q” Style with O-rings
- 2 Endcap installation tools
- No battery is included in the pack, and you must purchase it as an option (Batteries in the picture is for demonstration purpose only)
Lighted Firenocks
Awesome product and even better customer support. This guy is on top of the game in Archery Knowledge.