We now offer three versions of ABSSJ. The latest ABSSJ 3.0 body features rounded edges for better ergonomics. It uses a ceramic eyelet instead of the original slot gate for the line guide. The significantly increased durability of the line guide from wear, but it would require a threader to thread instead of a drop-in like the v1.0 to v1.2 of the ABSSJ. We offer two materials for the eyelet (guide), which you can choose from: black (SiC, Silicon Carbide) or white (ZrO2, Zironia Oxide). The white allows one to see if there is any crack or damage to the guide easier, while the SiC is slightly harder in the Rockwell scale. Both guides are designed to be easily replaceable as they are just glued down via super glue gel.
ABSSJ v1.2 features two main updates [1] a Thread Lock to perpetually hold the string perpendicular to the guiding hole as well as [2] Frame Alignment Handles to allow for easy spool removal and adjustment. Like the original ABSSJ, ABSSJ v1.2 is equipped with a high-performance, nine-element drag system (five graphite-weaved drag washers and four titanium drag washers) that allows the serving tension to be set up and consistently hold pressures up to 400% higher than most serving jigs.
- 1 x Main Body
- 1 x Spool Shaft with Drag System
- This video is a full assembly, installation/removal, and usage tutorial of the original ABSSJ v1.0.
- This video demonstrates the new features of the ABSSJ v1.2 (thread and spool not included).
- Spare Spool and Spare Shaft with Drag System sold separately.